Uncle Bob’s Story Time: The Pirate and the Sisters
Uncle Bob shares his version of the classic fairy tale “The Wolf and the Kids.”
Uncle Bob shares his version of the classic fairy tale “The Wolf and the Kids.”
With us relaunching the Delantare project, I decided to pull a George Lucas and re-edit our first film in the series. I wanted to tighten up the edit, adjust the color correction, change the music, and redo the opening visual effect shot… basically redo everything except the shot where Zana uses her Water-Kind powers! I’m …
The second episode of of Short Films: The Long Take is now live! In this episode, Zack looks at the films Living Word by Nicol Films and The Chance of a Lifetime by Timothy Stam.
The pilot episode of my new show is live!
This month marks the anniversary of when we finished production on my feature film directorial debut, In His Steps! To celebrate, I’ve put together a brand new behind the scenes video of one of the funnier aspects of filming: creating the baby bump effect for Stacey Bradshaw’s character, Loreen. Enjoy!