At long last, Doctor Who: Family Reunion is done! Enjoy our fun little romp into the world of Doctor Who by clicking here.
So, how about some behind the scenes pictures and info?
First off, yes, this does take place in the Storyteller Universe, as indicated by the cameo of Uncle Bob at the beginning. During the Battle for the Hat, Uncle Bob faked his death at the hands of his brother Uncle Billy and stayed in the TARDIS for a time. Apparently, the Doctor took him on as a companion after Genocron was defeated… though it doesn’t seem to have worked out! Then again, it’s really not surprising considering the first time the Doctor and Uncle Bob met, Uncle Bob ended up tricking the Doctor into mowing his lawn for him (watch that adventure here).
You may have noticed that after arriving to help Susan, the Doctor puts on a fedora (more on the significance of that in a bit). This is the first time this version of the Doctor has been seen wearing a hat. The reason? Well, the “cold open” scenes before the opening titles was filmed a couple months before the rest of the video. The majority of the video was filmed on a day off during the filming of In His Steps. Well, I acted in that movie, which required that I get a haircut, which made it too short to slick back for the Doctor’s! So, rather than have a continuity error, I just went ahead and wore the hat to hide the too-short hair. A classic bit of movie magic, you might say. 😉
But now, this does pose a problem for Storyteller continuity! Because you see, that’s the Storyteller’s old hat. The hat that regenerated into a new one! How does that work? Well, fear not faithful viewers (all four of you), all will be revealed in time.
Alright, enough talking, time for some behind the scenes pictures! Click on any of them to view full size.
After we filmed, Stacey and I did a photoshoot of promotional poses (plus, I think, to drag out being in costume as long as possible!). Here are some of the ones that didn’t make the cut for the poster.
There you go! I hope you enjoyed watching the movie, as going through these behind the scenes photos. We certainly had a blast pretending we were really in Doctor Who for a day. 😀