Return on Investment - Short film by Standing Sun Productions and the Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp. Written by Zack Lawrence.

Return on Investment

The newest short film that I wrote for the 2018 Rocky Mountain Christian Filmmakers Camp is now available to watch.  I even have a cameo toward the end. 😉

The Hats of the Storyteller - Indy Christian Review Compilation - Zack Lawrence

The Hats of the Storyteller

I was in one of those moods today, and needed to do something to lift me out of it, so here’s a compilation of all the hats that the Storyteller wore throughout the course of Indy Christian Review! Let me know if you want to see any more compilation videos like this.

Late Night Voice Over - Zack Lawrence Vlog

Late Night Voice Over

Filmed a new Patreon video and recorded some voice over. I’d say it was a productive week! Paul Strople’s channel: